Health & Safety Consultancy
It is an employer’s duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their business. Employers must do whatever is reasonably practicable to achieve this.
This means making sure that employers effectively assess and control risks to injury or health that could arise in the workplace. Whilst some health and safety issues may be straightforward and can be dealt with internally, there are also other areas which can be much more complex, or which require specialised knowledge or which are simply just too numerous to deal with without compromising the running of the business. When this is the case, it may be time to call in expert help.
Specialist’s consultants have a wide range of skills, qualifications and experience to bring to bear on an organisation’s health and safety needs. From a straightforward warehouse or factory risk assessment to a complex COSHH review or Fire safety audit, we can help your organisation improve its safety performance.
For a free, no obligation, visit from one of our consultants to discuss any of the above, please call us now. Current services include:
Safety Risk Assessments

General health and safety assessments. Suitable for warehouse, factory floor, offices etc. For any organisation that has undergone recent expansion, opened a new premises or introduced new work practices, there is a legal requirement to carry out a full risk assessment. It may also be necessary to re-risk assess a work practice if new legislation requires it. If an organisation doesn’t have the resources or knowledge to do this, then Specialist can bring its expertise to bear.
Specialist’s consultants will carry out a full risk assessment using tried, trusted and recognised methodologies. We will then provide a full risk assessment report with recommendations where corrective action is needed. Where relevant we will complete the appropriate action planning document and subsequently assist in implementation if required.
Manual Handling Risk Assessment (MAC Tool)

For many industries, manual handling is an unavoidable part of the job and handling related injuries and illness are very real problems. There is a legal requirement to risk assess any manual handling activity and put in appropriate measures to reduce its impacts and effects. This can be a time consuming and complex exercise, not least if an organisation does not possess the necessary expertise internally.
Specialist’s consultants have considerable experience carrying out complex manual handing assessments. Based around the HSE MAC Tool (Manual Handling Assessment Charts), Specialist consultant’s assessments are thorough, well laid out and easy to understand. They will also include any other non MAC factors relating to manual handling activities so that the end result for the customer is a comprehensive risk assessment report. Specialist will then assist in developing this into an action plan to ease with swift and effective implementation.
COSHH Assessments

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations require employers to control exposure of employees to hazardous substances to prevent ill health. There is a requirement for the identification of all relevant substances and the potential harm they can do. Following this employers should identify precautions that need to be taken and implement appropriate control measures. They are subsequently required to monitor exposure and health and arrange appropriate training, information and supervision.
For any employer that does not have the knowledge to carry out COSHH assessments, it can be an onerous task. This is where Specialist’s expertise comes in. We have been involved in the dangerous goods world for nearly twenty years and have carried out dangerous goods and COSHH assessments ranging from the simple and straightforward to the highly complex and hazardous. A Specialist consultant will look all aspects of the COSHH remit and produce a comprehensive report that will ensure the employer meets their legal obligations Following the report, the consultant will assist in implementing any recommendations as an action plan. Specialist can also assist in any subsequent monitoring and training requirements.
Fire Risk Assessments / Fire Safety Audits

Since the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order of 2005 the responsibilities of employers to ensure fire safety came into sharp focus. The Order stipulates that employers (or those in control in premises) should take all reasonable precautions to reduce the risk from fire for all those for whom there is a duty of care. The Order requires the carrying out of a fire risk assessment, development of a plan to reduce the risk and to deal with fire emergencies.
Specialist’s fire safety consultants are all ex fire service safety and training officers with long experience of fire risk assessment. They are fully conversant with the complexities of fire risk assessment in a wide variety of industrial and business premises. They will provide a comprehensive risk assessment report, including for those who may be especially at risk eg disabled employees. This will be combined with a fire risk reduction plan which will include recommendations for any other measures that may be necessary. They will also assist in the production of the emergency action plan and monitoring systems. Subsequent fire expertise support is also available.
For a free, no obligation, visit from one of our consultants to discuss any of the above, please call us now.