Healthcare Waste Consultancy
Specialist has been involved in Healthcare Waste and Dangerous Goods advice for nearly fifteen years. In that time there has been a huge amount of regulatory change and structural reorganisation.
Health professionals are constantly under pressure to ensure that they remain legally compliant, achieve sustainability and implement best practice. To do this effectively they need access to experienced and independent advisers with proven expertise in their field. This is what Specialist offers.
We are particularly proud of serving a variety of Trusts and healthcare companies over many years, and the role we have played in not only keeping NHS Trusts legally compliant but also in our contribution to increasing their operational efficiency, safety and sustainability. Current services include:
Healthcare Consultancy - Waste

Specialist’s long experience of serving the healthcare waste market has helped us develop a simple but tried and trusted approach to clients. In most cases a consultancy service will begin with an initial audit. This will establish the current compliance and best practice levels. The audit will result in a comprehensive report and recommendations which will provide the client with the basis of a dynamic action plan for their organisation. Specialist will then assist with the implementation of this action plan including writing policies and procedures and any staff training requirements that may emerge. Although the methodology we use is tried and trusted we have found that once we reach the implementation phase, all organisations are different! Accordingly the solution package will be tailored to the aims, needs and means of the particular Trust or company. Our healthcare waste services include:
- Comprehensive Waste Audits
- Pre Acceptance Audits
- Duty of Care audits
- Specialised Waste projects
- Policy, procedures and systems writing
- Specialised cleaning audits and advice.
To arrange an initial, no obligation, visit from one of our consultants, please give us a call.
Healthcare Consultancy - Dangerous Goods

Specialist has a long track record of dangerous goods safety advice to the healthcare sector. Since the DGSA legislation came in to force in 1999 we have been providing expert advice to healthcare professionals nationwide. We can help Trusts / healthcare companies in a variety of areas including:
- Clinical Waste / Healthcare waste
- Infectious material
- Medical gases
- Asbestos
- Estates chemicals including flammables, corrosives and toxics
- Chemicals used in pathology labs
- Other specialised chemicals
Where applicable, any dangerous goods work we do will be linked to the Waste legislation as well as dangerous goods legislation.
Our basic approach to any client is a simple and tried and trusted one. In most cases a consultancy service will begin with an initial audit. This will establish the current compliance and best practice levels. The audit will result in a comprehensive report and recommendations which will provide the client with the basis of a dynamic action plan for their organisation. Specialist will then assist with the implementation of this action plan as required by the client.
To arrange an initial, no obligation, visit from one of our consultants, please give us a call.