Transport Consultancy
Most of Specialist’s senior staff have backgrounds in the Transport Industry, so it is no surprise to find that we provide a range of expert services in this field.
Specialist’s three main consultancy areas cover Fuel Efficiency, Work Related Road Risk and Regulatory Compliance. These areas can be covered as separate services or as a combined service.
All consultancy services begin with an audit. This is followed by a comprehensive report and recommendations. Specialist is then available to assist as required on any necessary corrective actions.
For a detailed review of your requirements, please give us a call.
Fuel Efficiency

On average the cost of fuel is around 30% of the operating costs of most transport companies or transport departments. If anything, this proportion is likely to increase over the coming years. Therefore anything that can reduce this cost can have a significant effect on the bottom line and is of considerable interest to the professional transport manager.
Specialist has long experience of helping organisations tackle fuel consumption issues. Our “Fuel Champion” auditors will analyse all aspects of an organisation’s fuel usage, from equipment selection to driver performance. They will provide an easy to follow but comprehensive report which will contain all the necessary recommendations and interventions to greatly reduce vehicle fuel usage. After the initial audit, Specialist will then provide any assistance or back up the customer may require turning the recommendations into an action plan. We can assist with everything from policy and procedure writing to technical assistance and ongoing monitoring. Customers will also have access to Specialist’s training expertise when it comes to developing their drivers’ safe and fuel efficient driving skills.
To find out how we can help reduce your fuel bill, call us to discuss how the process works.
Work Related Road Risk (WRRR)

Thousands of people are killed and injured on British roads every year. Sadly many of these are the result of collisions involving drivers at work at the time of the incident. All organisations that operate vehicles have a duty of care to operate in as safe a manner as possible. To ensure your organisation is doing the best it can to meet this requirement, it is often useful to have expert eyes review your WRRR policies and procedures. This is where Specialist can help!
Our transport safety consultants will carry out a full review of all aspects of your organisation’s existing WRRR policy, procedures and practices. Following this they will produce a comprehensive report which will include recommendations on how your organisation can improve. After this initial phase, Specialist will provide any subsequent help that may be required to translate the audit recommendations into an action planning process. This may include carrying out statistical analysis and policy and procedure writing to assistance with ongoing monitoring and support. Customers will also have access to Specialist’s training expertise when it comes to implementation of any related driver safety courses.
For a free, no obligation, visit from one of our consultants to discuss any of the above, please call us now.
Regulatory Compliance

Every transport manager is fully aware that they operate in a highly complex and highly regulated work environment. Both UK and EU laws cover everything from the hours that drivers drive to the mechanical condition and load condition of their vehicles. Traffic Commissioners, the DVSA, police forces and the HSE are just some of the organisations that have responsibilities for maintaining and raising standards of commercial vehicle operators and subsequently policing them. It is no surprise that many transport managers welcome outside expertise such as Specialist, to help them measure and improve their level of regulatory compliance.
Specialist’s consultants are all highly qualified transport professionals and experienced auditors. They will comprehensively analyse all aspects of an organisations transport operations and provide a report which details any non-compliance and both poor and good practice. Recommendations will be made to improve standards where relevant and assistance will be provided to help the organisation implement any subsequent action plan.
A regulatory compliance audit or consultancy service is suitable for a number of different types of organisation. We have helped companies that have had issues with the DVSA or Traffic Commissioners and are under instruction to improve their standards (including some whose operator licence was under threat). We have also assisted companies who just want to check their compliance levels are up to date.
For a free, no obligation, visit from one of our consultants to discuss any of the above, please call us now.