Introduction of Compulsory AED Training into First Aid Training – December 2016
Friday October 2016
Training in the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) is to become compulsory for all workplace first aiders from 31 December 2016.
Forming part of the revised Emergency First Aid (EFAW) and First Aid at Work (FAW) syllabus, the changes are in line with Resuscitation Council UK guidelines which now state that the management of a casualty requiring CPR is to request an AED.
Every year an estimated 60,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests occur and using a defibrillator within the first three minutes can greatly increase the chances of survival. AEDs are now available within many workplaces and public spaces, so it is vital to ensure that EFAW and FAW first aiders acquire the skills to use this life-saving equipment.
In terms of cost implications, employers currently without a defibrillator do not immediately need to purchase an AED for the workplace as their requirement will be dependent on a needs assessment.
To facilitate early adoption of the change, we are including AED training into all our First Aid training courses with an immediate effect. For your convenience, we can train your employees on-site, or at our purpose-built training centre in Altham, Lancashire.
To speak with a member of the team to discuss your compliance requirements, contact us on 01282 687090 or email
For further information on EFAW and FAW compliance, visit