Driver CPC Changes 2024 Onwards

Monday June 2024

The outcome of the Consultation that took place during 2023 has recently been announced, detailing some changes for DCPC 2024 onwards, yet more to follow!

The Driver CPC qualification applies to all drivers of large (heavy) goods vehicles, bus or coaches, whereby they must undertake training to maintain their professional competence.

Many in the industry wanted the qualification to be scrapped however it has been confirmed that Driver CPC is not being scrapped, but there will be changes to make it more flexible for people who only drive in the UK.

The first changes will affect:

  • how you can stay qualified for existing drivers
  • how you can return to professional driving if you have left

Subject to Parliamentary approval, later in 2024, they will be 2 options to stay qualified:

  1. Take 35 hours of International Driver CPC training every 5 years to be able to drive in the UK and EU – This remains unchanged since DCPC was first introduced in 2008/2009
  2. Take 35 hours of National Driver CPC (or a combination of 35 hours of National and International CPC training) every 5 years to be able to drive in the UK. The change is in the detail here whereby drivers will not need to attend 7 hours in one sitting but instead can spread their hours into smaller chunks of a minimum 3.5 hours

The important point to note however is the deadline for those who gained grandfather rights is fast approaching in September 2024.  As a reminder, drivers who have not got a valid Driver qualification card (DQC) before the deadline date may incur a fine of up to £1000 and will be unable to drive until they have attended the necessary hours to gain a new DQC.

For further information or to top up your Driver CPC hours then please contact us.